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Today’s News - Wednesday, May 20, 2009

•   Note to nay-sayers re: Calatrava's WTC transit hub: "Even late, clipped, and costly, the station achieves nearly everything we loved it for in the first place" (and an animated rendering to prove it).

•   Meanwhile, a new design manual and NYC's transportation commissioner aim to "tilt the balance of asphalt power away from the automobile and toward cyclists and pedestrians."

•   King cheers San Francisco's own Pavement to Parks program: "block off cars, add trees - presto, it's a park."

•   Also on the left coast, L.A.'s new light rail is on track and spurring a flurry of development - but not everyone is happy.

•  Which state has the boldest architecture? Ohio might not be your first choice - but think again (great images).

•   The mauling of Modernism continues: rallying cry continues to save the "exquisite beauty and refined engineering" of Portland's Memorial Coliseum.

•   Rudolph's Riverview High School closer to be flattened (efforts continue to try to raise the funds necessary to green-light the Music Quadrangle plan).

•   A much happier ending for Becket's 1965 Pauley Pavilion at UCLA.

•   Lacayo likes Piano's Modern Wing: "a complicated exercise in reconciliation" with "three tricky neighbors."

•   Rojkind and BIG tapped for Tamayo Museum branch in Mexico.

•   Moore on London's first vertical garden: an idea "so brilliantly simple... Its potential is only beginning to be discovered."

•   Q&A with Ponce de Leon re: her "radical, interdisciplinary approach to architectural education."

•   Calls grow for a Mackintosh statue in heart of Glasgow.

•   Cannell channels ICFF: "The mood was cheerful enough...But there were no molten-hot objects of desire...the whole affair felt subdued and reduced" (but great pix).

•   Q&A with Competitions magazine's Collyer re: competitions: ya gotta enter 'em to win 'em (you can win even if you don't).

•   Call for entries: 100Spaces. Design, Architecture, Landscape (for under-40s only).

•   We couldn't resist: Frank Lloyd Wright Lego kits (we want one!).


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