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Today’s News - Thursday, April 2, 2009

•   Weinstein's Words That Build Tip #13: Re-invent green communication to cut fat and reduce telltale signs of greenwash.

•   Win one, lose one (maybe): Gehry tapped for Eisenhower memorial on the National Mall: "a public square with a tapestry of images woven into a stainless steel wire screen" (but no pix yet).

•   Dunlop bemoans possible loss of Gehry-designed park to go along with his New World Symphony campus in Miami Beach - to free up funds for a parking garage: "It has always seemed so profoundly wrong that we take so much better care of our cars than we do of ourselves."

•   Glancey on SANAA's Serpentine: "enchanting...certainly the most ethereal yet."

•   An eyeful of Mecanoo's Birmingham library: is it "a hit or a miss?"

•   Grimshaw to give Coney Island its next icon: "picture a massive Pringles potato chip, but made of steel and translucent fiberglass."

•   Is Rogers Stirk Harbour's British Museum extension delicate or dull, or just trying too hard to be all things to all people?

•   An eyeful of Leeser's Helix Hotel (Abu Dhabi's other Guggenheim?).

•   Japanese architects are getting a chance to build on a larger scale that demonstrates "architectural flair" and "perfect details" (with pix to prove it).

•   Hume on new Niagara wineries that "are not just architectural landmarks, they're exciting and comfortable places" (sadly, no pix to prove it).

•   In Maine, a condo built into the walls of a quarry - designed by Giselle Gaudi (yes, great-granddaughter): "an imposing woman 'of a certain age' and tastefully muted euro-flash" (there's lots about the architecture, too).

•   Green architecture taking root in Israel; some "futuristic and conceptual," and others "green" old buildings from the inside out.

•   Turquoise Mountain Foundation wants to save part of historic Kabul by establishing a craft school.

•   Cheers for 2009 AAI Awards (but are they the "last hurrah of the Celtic Tiger?").

•   We couldn't resist: Lightning strikes the Burj Dubai (with pix to prove it!).

•   We missed it yesterday (for the first time): PPS's Faking Places: April 1, 2009: US Transportation System Revealed to be Giant Ponzi Scheme.


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