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Today’s News - Friday, January 30, 2009

•   An impressive shortlist for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

•   wHY Architecture tapped to bring Speed Art Museum up to speed.

•   Could the stimulus package salvage Grimshaw's Fulton Street Transit Center (with or without Carpenter's oculus)?

•   The City of Ithaca finally approves Cornell's Milstein Hall by Koolhaas; but a passel of professors petition for a re-think.

•   Hawthorne contemplates the "neoclassicism of Barack Obama."

•   The Netherlands is giving NYC a 400th anniversary gift: a plaza by van Berkel shaped "like a white flower or a windmill, depending on your perspective."

•   Montreal ponders what to do with a now-decommissioned Esso gas station designed by Mies: "It's not pretentious, not glitzy. The major problem is, what to do with it now." (flower market, anyone?).

•   Pawson leaves Santa Barbara unimpressed with condo design: the "building needs more playfulness. It's too rigid." (what? no red tile roof?!!?)

•   Contract celebrates 30 years of the Interiors Awards (three cheers for Public Architecture - and all the other winners!).

•   A Q&A with Tom Kundig, "Seattle's kinetic man on the move."

•   Call for entries: 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom for Architecture for Humanity.

•   Weekend diversions: two very different takes on Palladio: Heathcote: Parry's exhibition design is "serious, scholarly, and superb": Terry: "Palladio-mania is just going too far...he was passé in his own time."

•   A formaldehyde-ridden FEMA trailer reinvented as the Emergency Response Studio: "resembles a UFO, albeit, an inviting one."

•   In Mumbai, "Relative Visa" is an "exciting intersection of art, architecture, and design."

•   Paintings of Goldfinger's other modernist tower on view in the tower itself.

•   Page turners: a dreary "The Women" turns the "gripping, operatic saga of Frank Lloyd Wright into a tedious, predictable melodrama."

•   Three new tomes explore the "limitless ambitions, and problematic achievements, of science and urban planning in the early 20th century."

•   "Slow-Tech" is a manifesto for an over-wound world.

•   "Building the New Jerusalem" examines the philosophical underpinnings of early 20th century British housing architecture.


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