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Today’s News - Friday, October 31, 2008

•   Peters brings us her field notes from the Biennale - Part 2: The Giardini.

•   As foreclosures blight neighborhoods, a call for community development to "carefully consider which areas should be targeted and how much can be saved."

•   Lewis sees the economic downturn as a catalyst for smarter growth.

•   In Australia, architecture firms are the proverbial "canaries in the coalmine" in tough economic times.

•   Improving Montreal will take more than attracting one star architect; besides, the city's own designers "are far from stuffy and insular."

•   Why aren't there more women architects in India (and the world, for that matter)?

•   Lots of bells and whistles (and security measures) at new Meadowland stadium.

•   Glancey on the Walking House: it's "delightful," but is it a practical answer to lower carbon living? (ya gotta see it to believe it!)

•   Cologne museum takes design seriously.

•   Belfast firm snags Young Architect of the Year award; and AHMM takes Richard Feilden Architect of the Year Award.

•   Two amusing chats with Kapoor: Can art regenerate an area? "I haven't the faintest idea."

•   Page turners: Jacobs on "Hungry City": "urban agriculture doesn't need high-end architecture."

•   "500 Places To See Before They Disappear": a new guide book for travelers details the sites most at risk from developers and climate change.

•   National Geographic rates 109 historic communities worldwide on how well they protect the cultural and environmental heritage that make them major tourist attractions.

•   "Arts & Architecture, 1945

•  54: The Complete Reprint" offers a "renewed inspiration for designers."

•   Two we couldn't resist: Why architects wear black; and the 10 scariest buildings in Britain (Happy Haloween!).


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