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Today’s News - Friday, September 5, 2008

•   Weinstein's Words That Build Tip #6: Master a communications tool that generates copious variations on your theme.

•   Asia playing catch-up with learning how to give modern makeovers to historic buildings.

•   Mays finds a new "jaunty," swaggering tower will "stake a spot for Toronto on the international architectural landscape" - and a developer more interested in city-building than purse strings (and LEED Silver to boot).

•   King at the groundbreaking of a groundbreaking building to house 7 organizations that serve the disabled where Universal Design makes it a model for future non-medical buildings. Yale's pick of Stern sparks debate: students seem pleased; some critics agree, others don't.

•   KieranTimberlake's Cellophane House is "poised to change the residential marketplace."

•   Shortlist for $100,000 University of Kentucky Curry Stone Design Prize breakthrough projects that have the "power and potential to improve our lives and the world we live in."

•   AIA National Healthcare Design Award winners.

•   Weekend diversions - and debate: With Palladio, New Palladians, and Corbu on view in London, Robert Adam hails start of a classical revolution.

•   Baillieu says it's time to "ditch the mudslinging" - the "old debate about style detracts from the very real issue of how to produce an architecture that is progressive and truly original."

•   Dyckhoff is disappointed with Design Museum's "Design Cities"; it's "hardly the kind of ground-breaking exhibition to lend ballast to its argument that London is today the creative capital of the world."

•   Lautner at the Hammer pulls out all the stops (but Schulman growls "it's all blueprints!").

•   Rawsthorn on George Nelson as centenary retrospective about to open at Vitra Design Museum: his "bold look went beyond future schlock" and his contributions to the "Kleenex culture" he despised.

•   New documentary raises question: "If only Charles Correa were Mumbai's chief architect. The city might have scored higher on aesthetics and urban planning."

•   Photographer Dermansky on view in NYC presents "a global record of architectural structures that address issues of injustice and genocide that people might otherwise avoid."

•   Last chance to catch Kapoor's "shiny, curvy work" in Boston.

•   In Australia, a theatrical attempt to bring to life the remarkable but under-recognized Margarete Schutte Lihotsky "strains under narrative weight&hellip remarkable events do not guarantee memorable theater."


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