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Today's News - Wednesday, June 4, 2008

-- Fast Company's 2008 Cities of the Year (and still looking for utopia).
-- A look at who's doing what beyond Beijing.
-- Not everyone thinks French president's ambitious competition to create an urban vision for Paris is a good thing (but it should be fun to watch!).
-- Budapest's cultural heritage held hostage to real estate (who needs a 15th century castle wall when you can build a garage instead?).
-- A new mixed-income, sustainable development for Boston's Emerald Necklace.
-- What does it mean to build a building of our own time?
-- Gwathmey's doing just that at Yale.
-- Hawthorne hails Libeskind's Jewish Museum in S.F.: "generally happy architectural results are not just surprising but encouraging."
-- Toledo arena grows a green side.
-- We'll know what Gehry's vision for Lehi, Utah, in August.
-- MAK Center gets a Schindler.
-- Q&A's with Isozaki, Koolhaas, Rockwell, Trahan, and Rajniš well worth reading.
-- Dwell on Design starts tomorrow with two design challenges.
-- A good reason to be in Montreal June 13: a conversation with Greg Lynn and Yung Ho Chang at CCA.
-- Two we couldn't resist: the shortlist for the 2008 Architectural Jelly Design Competition. -- And a how-to for squatters.

World Architecture Festival Awards

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