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Today's News - Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's a day for infrastructure: TODs: from convenience to environmental solution. -- How an interesting group of experts would fix America's infrastructure if they had $1.6 trillion to spend. -- With snow on the plains and rain in the desert, fixing infrastructure around the world should be a non-partisan issue. -- Big plans for second largest rail hub in Britain. -- Ballooning cost for a stunning San Diego pedestrian bridge leaves the city stunned. -- Not all are pleased with big plans for historic Baltimore pier. -- Big plans to revive "Cool Britannia" (but where will the big bucks will come from?). -- Investments in Vietnam resort projects can be measured in the billions (of dollars, that is). -- Six U.S. critics look at the state of architecture in their cities (some glow, some glum). -- Russell's report from LACMA: a "characteristically well-tailored building" struggles to outshine old streetlamps (never mind the lobby looks like "a squashed pagoda and feels like a bus shelter" - though not Piano's fault). -- A new museum to rise near Seattle. -- SOM's Oakland cathedral is "structural tour de force" that "promises to be an awe-inspiring gathering place of soaring proportions." -- Meanwhile, a call for the Catholic Church to stop buying into bus stop architecture. -- Chicago 'burb gets the greenest synagogue going. -- New Canary Warf tower will make its own power. -- Prince Charles's green home won't be as green as can be. -- Holyrood's "gloomy" lighting to be brightened. -- A most erudite treatise on Symmetry in Architecture.

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