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Today's News - Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hume ponders whether Toronto's "strip-mining mentality" is cause of the city's "plummeting status" as an international player. -- Libeskind, on the other hand, hits Toronto streets and sees "quantum leaps" as the city reinvents itself. -- Jacobs fears that Coney Island might not survive contemporary approaches to entertainment design. -- An in-depth look at the history of sane and insane plans for London's Ugly Betty (and hope for its future?). -- Mid-century Modern in the crosshairs again: Glancey on the battle to preserve St. Peter's seminary, near Glasgow. -- In Australia, the Sydney Opera House might make World Heritage listing - if it's "not vandalized by ignorant, ill-conceived changes." -- And it seems only architects are protesting as a Boyd masterpiece slips out of public hands. -- Better news: Manila's grande dame of theaters reborn in all its "Filipinized Art Deco" glory. -- A mega-plan on the boards for Chicago's South Loop. -- Grand plans for "a moribund chunk" of Kitchener, Canada. -- Another tower for Doha. -- For Kamin, Chicago's new lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community center "teaches lessons that transcend the building itself." -- For Hawthorne, Skirball's Noah's Ark "a welcome respite from the world of plastic and pixels" (but could use a more playful mindset). -- We'll know by August who is tapped for Bush Library. -- Only Bush confidants know who will be the "interpretive planner." -- Versailles in all its glittering glory. -- Boddy looks at the "schizophrenia of modern homes." -- Two we couldn't resist: Raleigh shopping centers don't want bus riders. -- Newson's spaceplane is a trip in itself.

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