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Today's News - Monday, April 9, 2007

A tribute to the "man who made happy living spaces." -- Oh, to be a fly on the wall in Dubai. -- King's 2-parter takes on "newburbs" far and wide. -- High hopes for new urbanist project in Annapolis. -- While for a New Jersey town, smart growth "has become a victim of its own success." -- Kamin warns of a wave of "architectural taxidermy" that could leave Chicago "a parody of itself." -- Glancey discovers Dutch "unmodernism" that "may well be necessary as a corrective to the march of bland global 'nothingness'." -- Alsop x 2: "I like people. I hope it shows;" and he hopes to win hearts and minds in Yonkers. -- Russell samples Gehry's "baked glass confection" in Manhattan's Chelsea. -- Utzon has big plans to "radically restructure" Sydney Opera House theater. -- Nashville could be in for a "wickedly modern 21st century building" (and it should be "thrilled"). -- Goldsmith, "the quiet poet of American architecture... chose simply to be good." -- GaudÍ's Barcelona jewel possibly threatened to its foundations. -- Nine projects win 2007 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards. -- Watch out architecture critics (and Rizzoli?): developers publishing spectacular coffee table tomes play to condo buyers' "psychology of delayed gratification."

Elliott Kaufman Photography

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