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Today's News - January 5, 2007

Pigs fly in Chicago as landmarks commission throttles "a plan for a spectacularly ill-conceived act of architectural taxidermy." -- Cloepfil doing a triple in Clinton, NY. -- Valerio Dewalt Train delivers a blockbuster in Madison. -- Marion wows them down under. -- Copyright infringement case continues. -- Squatter cities: "where tomorrow's leaders will likely be born." -- Rybczynski hails Hoffman. -- Vote for your favorite "City of the Future." -- Weekend diversions: Gritty Brits in Pittsburgh. -- Czech prisms and pyramids in Prague. -- The history of technology "eviscerates our obsession with novelty" and looks at the way we really use things. -- Nance on de Botton: "[he] finds comfort in more of the same…familiar architecture is required to act as a kind of cultural Valium." -- Meanwhile, de Botton finds Vancouver a plague of condos. -- Perfect houses on the horizon designed by "New Pragmatists."

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