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Today's News - July 14, 2006

We lose two talents in their prime. -- Are super-cities destined to become 21st century countries in their own right? -- Not if they follow Vancouver and San Francisco's lead by making downtowns "attractive to residents and increasingly problematical for businesses." -- A new urbanist/smart growth development in Minnesota has its own growing pains. -- New Zealand developer takes inspiration from Seaside. -- California developer sees prefab as way to go for sustainability and profit. -- Katrina Cottages as prototypes for affordable housing on the Gulf Coast and elsewhere. -- Building design must undergo rapid transformation "to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming." -- A Denver landscape architect transforms barren school yards into community centers for young and old. -- Piano's plans for Chicago's Art Institute expand - for the better. -- NYC's The New School wins community development competition. -- On view: Athenaeum of Philadelphia presents Paul Philippe Cret, "a postmodernist before modernism was even formed." -- We couldn't resist: launch of "inflatable hotel" a success (current guests: cockroaches and moths). ----- Happy Bastille Day!




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