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Today's News - June 23, 2006

A new guidebook on how office buildings can fight global warming. -- A global review of international best practices in universal design. -- One year after Kelo: some good news, some bad news (depending on which side of the fence you sit). -- Another take on New Urbanists vs. Modernists on the Gulf Coast. -- High-density housing needed in the U.K. (too many architects designing sardine cans?). -- A snapshot of New York in 2030 (forget owning a car, but wrinkle creams will really work). -- New Nouvel's in Minneapolis and Paris: very different and very theatrical. -- A campus expands environmentally. -- Urban garden guerrillas: "a fast-growing force of renegades" doing green deeds. -- An Arts & Crafts treasure in peril. -- A long list of 2006 RIBA Award winners. -- The Architectural Institute of British Columbia honors its own. -- Weekend diversions: Jacques Herzog talks about his MoMA show: he hates collections; he doesn't mind being a global brand. -- Book review: "Design Like You Give A Damn" combines architecture and morality. -- A new film about the Erotic Gherkin "depicts the architectural process as a kind of sophisticated soap opera."




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