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Today's News - March 6, 2006

ArcSpace brings us Holl in Biarritz, and Starck in Denmark. -- A "quaint" and affordable alternative to FEMAville trailer parks (the problem(?) is they're permanent). -- San Francisco architects see lessons in disaster relief and affordable housing offered by "Katrina cottages." -- A call for zoning reforms to address inefficiencies as an instrument of urban design. -- A look at the high cost of slow growth on the California coast. -- New solution for affordable housing: let the private sector do it. -- In Ireland (and elsewhere?), the problem is developers can buy their way out of social housing commitments. -- An intrepid group of Chicago architects are keeping residential architecture (high-rises included) from being a dying art. -- A look at the "towering influence of the Bauhaus" in Chicago. -- Docomomo Australia finding its voice in a call to save Melbourne's Modernist buildings before they disappear. -- In Israel, Airport City is "Suburbland" and "a hallucination that has taken on flesh and sinew." -- In Milwaukee, a new school suggests that "learning can be a delightful journey." -- Savannah's new, big, and bold arts center pleases most, but not all. -- A new theater for Georgetown University disappoints on the outside, but standing ovations for the interior. -- A splendid and almost invisible greenhouse for the 21st century. -- NYT Magazine special real estate issue: you pick your topic.




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