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Today's News - January 25, 2006

A "stern message" for India offers a warning about turning cities into showpieces for Western architects. -- Lambert bemoans "a leadership vacuum" in architecture. -- An international environmental report card doesn't hand out very many A's. -- Cutting greenhouse gasses good for California economy but businesses not buying. -- Meanwhile new California office buildings let the sunshine in. -- Historic preservation and green design combine in NYC project. -- Criticism climbs re: Clemson's contemporary architecture building in Charleston. -- Hull's new architecture center overdue and over budget - but worth the wait. -- Cornell continues its building boom. -- Rybczynski waxes poetic about an overlooked Wright gem. -- RIAI has a new president. -- 6th International Architecture Prize for Innovative Interior Design Concepts announces 14 winners. -- San Francisco conference explores alternative community-based work. -- Call for entries for urban public spaces and a house for an ecologist.




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