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Today's News - December 19, 2005

As we promised on Friday, a few tributes to James Ingo Freed from different cities where he left his mark. -- Canada loses Gertler, its "founding father of town planning." -- Great profiles of the New York Five and Huxtable (how much they appreciate being called "Power Geezers" is another question). -- Study shows New Zealand architects need to pay more attention to shade for "kiwi kids." -- Not very high marks for JetBlue's new JFK terminal. -- High praise elsewhere: Rogers Welsh National Assembly stands on a chair and shouts. -- Correa's MIT building for studying the brain is "superb." -- An exhibition of Botta's buildings of worship make spirits soar. -- Llonch+Vidalle makes a Missouri church renovation "feel like it is in constant motion." -- ROM's new galleries less Disneyfied, more greenhouse than jewel box. -- Architectural Association of Ireland names winners. -- 'Tis the season for Year in Reviews: Sudjic calls it the "heights of folly and fashion." -- Chicago mixes art and architecture (architecture comes in at #3). -- One we couldn't resist: SPA's take tells it like it really is (and who couldn't use a really good chuckle on a Monday?).




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