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Today's News - October 28, 2005

Tribute to an architect and educator. -- China hopes to devise a "green GDP" - but are leaders getting cold feet? -- Green roofs having a tough time taking root in New York City. -- Survey shows "green" is good, but perceptions of higher costs still an obstacle. -- Parking garages as the new civic architecture. -- Mockbee's Rural Studio is growing up; Sambo's daughter takes on completing his Sub Rosa Pantheon. -- A glow-in-the-dark entertainment coliseum planned for Glasgow. -- Q&A's with kings of prefab and a "green" architect inspired by his Native American roots. Exhibition review: Calatrava disappoints, and "Safe" has the "spirit of its time and place." -- One we couldn't resist: forget protesting a McMansion next door - this time it's a McTreehouse (only in L.A.).




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