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Today's News - September 16, 2005

A British take on New York's architectural renaissance and adventurous design. -- Chicago's endangered architectural treasures. -- "Politics has triumphed, and Sydney is the loser" in decision to dump green belt strategy. -- Australia plagued by a "lawless" building industry. -- Bold designs to choose from for Edmonton museum expansion. -- A call to let architects be bold. -- Flight 93 memorial designer is disappointed with "misinterpretation and a simplistic distortion," but "somewhat optimistic" about changes. -- New ballpark is a "dollop of real design innovation into baseball's wrongheaded fixation with nostalgia." -- Taliesin teardown creates "anxiety and confusion" for Toronto fellowship arrangement. -- London dance troupe gets a new HQ. -- Getty Villa (finally) ready for its close-up. -- Lahore establishes city museum in historic building. -- California Academy of Sciences dons a 2.5-cacre undulating green roof. -- Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction's European winners announced (the rest of the world later). -- Swiss architectural teaching to be explored in San Francisco. -- Marcel Janko (the architect) Bauhaus Center gallery in Tel Aviv.




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