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RFQ for expansion and renoviation of Jacob K Jacobs Convention Center

Today's News - June 14, 2005

A call to battle for British heritage. -- In India, a call for architects to do more than just celebrate environment week. -- Urban design is more than "architecture writ large." -- Young architects in Tijuana offer insights to their complicated city. -- San Francisco's Octavia Boulevard competition has two winners (we'll see if they actually get built). -- Jencks's Maggie's Centres: "a new building type emerges." -- A festival of great music in great buildings in Great Britain. -- Lessons for Toronto in Vancouver. -- Who needs Olympic stadium(s) when NASCAR rolls into town (good planning included). -- A stellar shortlist for Cooper-Hewitt's National Design Awards. -- Rosa leaves SFMoMA for the Windy City. -- "One woman, one project": a Lebanese architect pushes culture and philanthropy. -- The next generation of design talent could come from Limerick. -- Riviera-style living in Qatar. -- 20 years (and some incredible talent) of NYC's Percent for Art Program on view. -- We couldn't resist: for all us workaholics - how to be idle (what a concept!).

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