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Today's News - June 2, 2005

UNESCO seeks design for stand at an upcoming world summit. -- A geek's guide to the race to win the Olympics. -- Ground Zero (again): an optimistic voice (a rarity these days). -- Public input muscles its way into the process. -- A British take: "Zero is exactly what is going on at Ground Zero." -- Analyzing "Star Wars" high-density planning: lessons for "condominium designers interested in carving elegant homes from highly urbanized environments." -- Analyzing the infamous Pruitt-Igoe housing project: Yamasaki's imagined Buck Rogers utopia transformed into Blade Runner nightmare ("It's a job I wish I hadn't done.") -- A green utopia imagined for former San Francisco naval base. -- New rules for Sydney suburbs: no more energy-guzzling McMansions. -- Dublin suburb quite pleased with its new "colourful gathering of buildings." -- Phoenix needs "good, tough architecture criticism" - but folks should "cut a little slack" for new hotel design. -- New Harvard buildings almost hit the mark. -- A car ferry transformed into a dream home in San Francisco fashioned from found parts. -- An eco-friendly home in Australia "has architectural merit and looks like a modern house...not a mud-brick extension with composting toilets." -- Knock-offs are on the rise, raising legal hackles.




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