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Today's News - January 10, 2005

Tribute to Feilden. -- Architects with designs on compassion: "Perhaps...the profession will rediscover its unique role in ensuring the right to dignified shelter for all people, at home and abroad." -- Baltimore's architectural future looking bright. -- Transit villages a hopeful future for Canadian suburbs. -- Demolishing the old to build the new may not be the best way to go. -- Thumbs-up for recycling a cannery. -- Philadelphia tower not much to look at until you get inside. -- Mr.Gehry builds his dream house. -- Exhibit sparks new hope for Kahn memorial to Roosevelt in New York. -- Deadlines for Bottom Line Design and Solutia awards. -- 2005 AIA Honor Awards - 35 are picture-perfect. -- Archeworks students and Haworth team up to keep old furniture out of landfills. -- What to do with your closets full of old computers, printers, fax machines: e-Bay joins the tech world to recycle old electronics.

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