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Today's News - November 15, 2004

ArcSpace visits a really cool Liverpool hotel. -- The new MoMA: subtle, serene, exquisite (and we're sure to hear lots more). -- ULI laureate discusses strategies to "reclaim urban areas that have been devastated by the conscious and deliberate policies of national, state and local governments." -- Culture lights up burned-out coal towns in the U.K. -- Florida on a fast-track to build affordable housing after hurricanes (but can it be more than the same-old-same-old vulnerable mobile home parks?). -- Extreme makeover houses - Iraqi --style. -- Lutyens about to be bulldozed in India; a Frank Lloyd Wright bites the dust in Michigan. -- Modernism winning and losing in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Montreal. -- Museum architect designs for the artists. -- Honors abound: Green Building Leaders and AIA chapters in Los Angeles and Miami.

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