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Today's News - October 25, 2004

ArcSpace shows us Koolhaas in Korea. -- We lose a master of university design. -- In China, "urban renewal is a Richter-scale event, utterly destroying the past and heaving up proud, sometimes bizarre skylines …" -- Lessons learned from Lower Manhattan. -- 15 seconds that changed San Francisco: the complete 6-part series. -- Two U.K. hospital projects show the wrong - and right - way to design for healthcare. -- Insightful design for a school for the blind in Canada. -- No more "neo": Chicago returns to its Modernist roots. An apartment building in Washington, DC, is "an exception to an unhappy rule." -- MoMA's architect shows some restraint (a rarity these days?). -- Solar panels strive to be less unsightly. -- Study finds the best cities for sleep. -- IIDA launches new online Knowledge Center. -- Exhibition reviews: Mau says design can save the world; Newson takes on just about everything; designs for Chicago bridges span everything from banal to brilliant. -- A Frank Lloyd Wright celebration in Pittsburgh. -- New book spans centuries of U.S. embassy design.

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