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Today's News - October 19, 2004

We're b-a-a-a-c-k (and so much to catch up with!) ----- ArcSpace takes us on a tour of Copenhagen's new opera house. -- The gherkin wins Stirling: three takes - an architecture critic (with mention of another winner worthy of praise), an art critic ("Architecture is art's last, best hope"), and a design critic (with question: who really is the designer?)…And just for fun, foreign headlines (articles were only basic press release): "'Erotic Gherkin' takes design gong" (Australia); "Building award puts 'Towering Innuendo' on a high" (India). -- Gherkin architect (Shuttleworth, that is) takes on hometown project. -- Aga Khan Trust takes on a vision of renewal in Cairo. -- Canadians bring big visions to Shanghai suburbs (not all are pleased). -- Toronto Heritage Awards prove anything old can be new again. -- 15 seconds that changed San Francisco (mostly for the better). -- NYC's new glamorous, hip home for jazz. -- For Koolhaas, Seattle is a career saver. -- Rockwell builds the world - for puppets. -- An architect claims his peers don't see enough of the light (oh really?). -- A "petting zoo" of green products for architects and designers. -- The legacy of Modernism in two shows at the Cooper-Hewitt (and National Design Awards will be announced there tonight!). -- The hard and soft costs of achieving LEED ratings. (More catch-up in tomorrow's edition…)

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