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Today's News - October 1, 2004

Autumn in New York: perfect time (and weather) for Architecture Week. -- Reports from 1st Architecture Biennial: is there a culture clash brewing? -- Local team wins Kansas City arena (they brought lots of pictures; Gehry brought none). -- Robert Campbell says of Boston's new convention center: "As architecture, this may well be the best of its kind in the country." (But the roof leaks, and the client "think the design team, paid $36 million for their work, owe the taxpayers a refund.") -- The battle of Ground Zero spills into print (surely we've not heard the end). -- Plans along the Clyde River include a Foster-like "gherkin" and a golden glowing tower: "Glasgow now seems to be cottoning on to the benefits of being a river city." -- Weighty results in Portland's skinny house design competition. -- Should historic sites be modernized? (It worked for the Louvre.) -- Is San Francisco pushing out its home-grown industries? -- A big celebration for Rapson's 90th. -- U.K. battle between the professionals: a "futile war." -- Don't be an inspiration-killer. -- Exhibitions: Italian architecture to inspire Toronto; transforming urban nights with urban lights in Duisburg, Germany; Josef and Anni Albers Bauhaus beauties in New York.

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