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Today's News - March 31, 2003

This week on ArcSpace: final report from New York. -- Culture (including the New York City Opera?) to find home at Ground Zero. -- Downtown CEOs make short-term recommendations for the "gloomy tangle of closed streets, scaffolding, barricades and seemingly endless excavations." -- Libeskind as pop icon (not all are impressed)…and a sampling of past celebrity architects. -- Toyota's new "eco/green" facility is also economical. -- Riverfront plan in Dallas finally setting sail. -- "Birmingham's [U.K.] biggest problem is that it has to rely on importing its architects… there's no sign of indigenous talent." -- New opera house in Toronto not getting the "buzz" it deserves. Problem? There isn't "an exquisite model that lights up with little cars and people arriving so that we can look at it and say 'Wow, we want that.' " -- Pasadena's cultural landscape in for some major changes. -- L.A.'s Little Tokyo due for big project; but complaint that it will hamper cultural revitalization efforts. -- Italy's Superstudio stars at London's Design Museum. -- Rockwell's star continues to shine. -- Gensler principal offers insights.

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- Léon Krier: Richard H. Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture Inaugural Award
- Exhibition Scanning: The Aberrant Architectures of Diller + Scofidio, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City
- Michael Maltzan Architecture: MoMA QNS, Long Island City, Queens, New York
- Frank O. Gehry & Associates: The Condé Nast Cafeteria, New York City

 Plans for Cultural Complex at Ground Zero Take Form: Museum of Freedom and a performing arts center - Daniel Libeskind- New York Times

Damage & Delay: Top Wall Street power brokers have sounded an urgent alarm over snail's-pace redevelopment downtown and the area's abominable working conditions. By Steve Cuozzo- NY Post

Downtown's Designer: The new World Trade Center design is being eclipsed by its architect, for now- NY Newsday

Obituary: Robert Macleod: Architect who praised austerity of style and craftsmanship- Guardian (UK)

New 'Green' Office Buildings Put the 'Eco' in Economical: Toyota's complex shows how companies can tap technology to benefit the environment -- and not break the bank. - LPA- Los Angeles Times

Set sail with the latest Trinity River plan: With something for everyone...the current plan is a mix of good new ideas and residual mistakes. By David Dillon- Dallas Morning News

A Brum less humdrum: To reinvent Britain's famously ugly second city must be the toughest brief in architecture. By Deyan Sudjic - Future Systems; Richard Rogers; Allies and Morrison; Demetri Porphyrios- Guardian (UK)

A made-to-measure performing space: Canadian Opera Company: the challenges of building in a tight space and getting the design and acoustics right - Diamond & Schmitt- Globe and Mail (Canada)

Campus as canvas: Art Center College of Design aims to reshape Pasadena’s cultural landscape with an ambitious building project. By Nicolai Ouroussoff - Daly Genik Architects; Frank Gehry; Alvaro Siza [images]- Los Angeles Times

Parker Center Plan Picks Up Steam: Downtown Firms to Design Police Headquarters [$410 million complex] in Little Tokyo - DMJM + Harris; Johnson Fain; Tetra Designs; Fluor; HOK- Los Angeles Downtown News

Editorial: Crime and Punishment: New Parker Center Headquarters and Jail Would Hamper Arts District Revitalization- Los Angeles Downtown News

Anti-matter: Italy's Superstudio hated both the bland future and the twee past. Jonathan Glancey on a timeless vision [image]- Guardian (UK)

Internal Affairs: ...architect David Rockwell is being called upon to create spaces that customer will remember, and hopefully return to.- NY Post

Principal Player: Ed Friedrichs, president and CEO of Gensler on what it takes to be successful; also: Say 'yes' to the 'no-men'- ZweigWhite

BOOKSHELF: Women in Architecture- ArchNewsNow

Pampered Privacy: Malliouhana Spa - Earl Swensson Associates [images]- ArchNewsNow

WTC Proposals: Who's Saying What Worldwide (updated 03/21/03)- ArchNewsNow


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