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Today's News - January 23, 2003

One less team in the running for Ground Zero plans. -- Kennedy Center gets connected. -- Planning ahead: big potential in rebuilding Iraq. -- Real estate and residents battle it out over rezoning NYC Seaport. -- Big plans for Lithuanian capital. -- Dartmouth goes green. -- Colorful characters design company towns and affordable housing. -- Forging villages from the sprawl. -- Big names line up for big project in Sacramento. -- Inspired collaboration for a Holocaust Memorial museum. -- Charles Moore building not old enough to save. -- "Architecture's best-kept secret" is Norman Foster's right-hand man. -- A San Francisco waterfront gem given new life. -- Dueling white sails on Milwaukee's waterfront. -- A federal case for design credit. -- Dublin spire "has already been christened the Stiletto in the Ghetto and the Spire in the Mire." -- The Hollywood glamour architecture of John Elgin Woolf.

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One Design for Trade Center Site Is Crossed Off After Firm Leaves - Skidmore Owings & Merrill- New York Times

A Welcome Sign: Design Plan Would Give the Kennedy Center New Connections. By Benjamin Forgey - Rafael Viñoly [image]- Washington Post

Pasadena [engineering and design] Firm Looks to Destroy Weapons, Then Help Rebuild Iraq: War may be hell, but its aftermath can be plenty lucrative. - Parsons Corp.- Los Angeles Times

Battle Nears Over Rezoning Near Seaport- New York Times

Vilnius tries to restore `Jerusalem of North': Lithuanian capital sees tourist draw- Chicago Tribune

Constructing a greener College - Moore Ruble Yudell; Bruner-Cott and Associates- The Dartmouth

He Builds Company Towns: Barry Ludwig designs cutting-edge office parks...looking to ancient cities for design principles.- Fast Company

'We're not just some poncey designers': The man who gave the world stretch fabrics printed with liquorice allsorts has turned his hand to mass housing. - Wayne Hemingway [image]- Guardian (UK)

Driven by New Dreams, Southland's Livability Rebounds: We've turned the corner, forging working villages from the sprawl.- Los Angeles Times

8 seek to pen depot layout: Design firms covet the downtown railyard project - Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum; Anil Verma Associates; Skidmore Owings & Merrill; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; SMWM; Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn; VBN Architects- Sacramento Bee

Architect, foundation collaborate on Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois museum - Stanley Tigerman/Tigerman McCurry Architects- Pioneer Press (Illinois)

McNay Art Museum's demolition plan is called a waste: plan to raze a building designed by Charles Moore has provoked dismay - Jean-Paul Viguier; Ford, Powell & Carson [image]- San Antonio Express-News

Ken the Pen: architecture's best-kept secret - Ken Shuttleworth/Foster & Partners- Guardian (UK)

A Waterfront Palace of Produce: Ferry Building, San Francisco - SMWM; Page & Turnbull [images]- New York Times

Angry words sail in dispute over lakefront: At issue is a white, sail-like building...just south of Santiago Calatrava's white, sail-like museum addition - McClintock Architects- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Architects have made federal case of whodunit: A two-year battle between two architects over who gets credit - James K. Larsen; Richard L. Bowen- Cleveland Plain Dealer

Millennium Spire gives some Dubliners the needle - Ian Ritchie Architects [image]- CNN

The art of a voyeur: an exhibition of the Hollywood glamour architecture of John Elgin Woolf- Los Angeles Times

East Meets West on the Waterfront: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay by Michael Wilford & Partners; DP Architects; Theatre Projects Consultants; and Artec Consultants [images]- ArchNewsNow


- Coop Himmelb(l)au + Partner: Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France
- NOX: D-Tower, Doetinchem, The Netherlands
- A visit to: R. M. Schindler's Buck House, Los Angeles, California
- Álvaro Siza: University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


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